Monday, June 11, 2007

special day

I wanna introduce 4.14 which it called 'black day' to you but it isn't holiday like a new years day, christmas ~
actually, i am not a 'day' person. like a 'valantien' or something although i'm gonna talk about it

anyway, i think everyone knows about 2.14(valantien day)
and some of you might know about 3.14(white day) which men give chocolate or candy to women.
4.14(black day) is based on those days.
4.14(black day) is not everybody's holiday which means it's for few people (or a lot?)

if people weren't given a chocolate or candy during the valantien day or white day
they would have a chance to celebrate their special situation which is ' i don't have any people who i love or love me!'.......

anyway, what they do at black day is that they eat a noodle(called jja jang myun) which colour is black.
that's why it called 'black day'

what a shame day..........
to tell the truth, it seemed like my day......
but not any more! ;D


Anna said...

Hi Jack
Thanks for your comment in my blog.
Also thank you for telling us about Black Day(14/4)
I suppose everyone has different periods in their life where they could celebrate this day. The thing is to make the most of whatever situation we find ourselves in. Anyway it was very interesting!

Jackie said...

How a good black day, black Jack. I completely agree with you.

Claire said...

what a interesting day is! It is the first time I heard the "black day". Are you serious?


fumiko said...

I have herad that from other Krean but I was not sure that it is ture.
Now I am really sure that what it is.
But we do not need, right?\

Ja-Young Kim said...

Black day = My day.. until now hh so when I was in Korea. my university's friends and I ate
'za-jang-myun' actually.. hahahaha
we were all solo...

Satoko said...

I know the day!!!! I watched it on TV in Japan!! the program introduced about Asian countries but the program had continued just 2 or 3 months...